Saturday, November 1, 2014

60 days Juice fast to End the Year

today is the first of November. there are only 61 days left for the year. sad that almost everything
i said i was going to this year i didn't do. i am not very surprise since i love doing thing last minute. well lets keep the past aside nd talk about the future. for the next 60 days i want to make drastic changes. i w nt to be able to look back at this year and say wow this was a good year. so first i want to keep the thing simple and would like to keep them between 10 basics things i would be doing every week. 
from 1st to 7th of November 
diet- drink 5 bottles of water a day and drink fresh juice
school - read 6 hours a day
Skin - shower twice a day
Skin -  Cleanse-exfoliate-moisturize
shape - wear corset all day only remove for shower
Hair - oil hair every day
hair - take hairfinity every day
sauna 30mins every day
soy milk - take twice a day
workout - 3 days (booty -abs- chest)

well if you can tell everything is focused on three thing, my shape, skin and school (SSS) i would avoid weighing myself it really doesn't matter at this point. in the past that has been the reason i stopped working out. I get so angry that after all the effort  i have put i was still the same weight or even heavier. Now i don't care for my weight all i wish for is the strenght to commit to the above. i would be in a mood where i would not want to following through but i hope and pray to God that he would remind me why i need to go on. this bring me to another point why do i want to transform myself.. well it is because i deserve better. i deserve better people to br attracted to me. o have come to realize appearance is everything. as much as we might denier it any say fuck anyone who does not see your beauty when you are overweight. How can this be true when we our self judge people on their appearance. we do it everyday, people are going to do it to us but the good news is that those same people that ignored you when you were not up to part are the same ones that would want to be Friends with you so bad when you look the part. people have a very bad memory they would forget how you looked before and would only judge on what the see now. The only ones that would try to bring up the past are the ones that are so jealous and so intimidated of what you have accomplished. So with that being said i accept any change that would occur with my new lifestyle this last few days of the year 2014. I accept all the changes with no apology and no shame of those who would try to remend me of what i looked like to make me feel bad. i understand that drastic changes are going to occur and people would notice. they would ask me what i have been doing they would accuse me of changing (as if i am working so hard to be the same), but i would not be ashamed of the changes. if life we have to change, evolve, grow and i am no longer afraid of leaving my comfort zone. I am no longer afraid of being more noticeable or being stared at by people for being so beautiful. I am not afraid to stand out. okay this is getting so long i can go on and on because i am writing from heart and that is the point of this blog but i would love to stop here. until next time...

Friday, June 21, 2013


Weight - 156Ibs
chest - 39.5"
waist - 29"
Hips - 40"
I also need to add that i have been wearing a corset 24/7 i only take it off when i need to shower.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


So i have been very busy with assignments. I cant even believe i am saying that, where did i find the energy you may ask, well i wonder myself. The third day felt a lot better than the first and second. I did not even think about food that much and good thing is that i don't even feel hungry. One more thing guys, i have not gone to the toilet in 3 days just to let you know. I just hope i can make it to day 10. My measurements are below.

Weight - 158Ibs
Chest - 40.5"
Waist - 30"
Hips - 41"

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


So today i screamed when i got on the scale because i lost 6 Ibs. I know it is just water weight but i am still happy. It wasn't as difficult as i thought it would be not eating anything. I just had to remind myself why i am doing it. I slept a lot too and that helped me to not think about food. So 1 day down 9 to go. Today's measurements are below.
weight - 160 Ibs
chest - 41.4"
waist - 31.5"
hips - 41.4"

Updates - The only thing i have changed is that i am no longer drinking filtered water. i am now drinking 100% spring water  but still 8 cups picture below.

Feel free to leave comments and Ask questions



Okay guys i got an email from a reader asking me what dry brushing is. Dry Brushing is a technique for exfoliating skin using a dry, natural bristle brush to gently brush the skin. It is also called skin brushing or body brushing.

  • Skin that is healthier and smoother: removing dead skin cells and opening pores to allow them to “breath” and absorb nutrients.
  • Stimulated lymphatic and circulatory systems: boosting your immune system and increasing circulation to help detoxify.
  • Stress relief: increasing your blood flow reduces stressed areas of the body and stimulates nerve endings in your skin which in turn rejuvenates your nervous system.
  • Reduced cellulite: increasing blood circulation to the skin helps break down and releases toxins that cause cellulite in legs and hips.
This is a video to tell you exactly how it done.

 Don't forget to eave your Comments, Ask Questions, Email and add me to your circle. Any support would be appreciated.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Today is the start of my Tranformation by this time next year i want to look back and be wowed. So I am going on a water fast for 10days. Water fast is a type of fasting where you consume only water yes only water. No you would not die, the body can go for days without food. I would be writing my daily experience here on the blog.
   So this is how the fast would go:
  • Drink 8 cups of filtered water through out the day
  • Have a lot of rest, no exercise
  • Dry skin brushing before shower to increase detox
Reason i am going on a water fast (you can join me but it is at your own risk and please consult your physician before going on any fast including this one)
  • Detox
  • Weight loss
  • let body heal and restore itself during rest period
My starting weight is 166Ibs 
                    height - 5'9"
                    chest - 40.5"
                    waist - 33.5"
                    hips - 42"

About me

Hey guys I am embarking on a total transformation. I would be changing my appearance as well as my behavior. This is not just a physical things, there would be some soul searching, getting to know what i am really here on earth to do, what my gifts are, how i can help people and how to live a meaningful life.
So here is a little bit about myself. I am 21 years old female raised as a christian . I am currently in the united states but originally from Nigeria. I love fashion, beauty, learnng and life. I want this to be sort of like an online dairy where i would share my pains, joys, happiness, hobbies, tips, gossips and lot more. So i am officially calling you to join me in my transformation